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“Aircraft Christmas Specials” ad.  Flying Aces (January 1938), back cover.
Airplane Story Color Book.  Los Angeles:  Diltz-Barrett, 1943.
Atwood, Wallace W. and Helen Goss Thomas.  Nations Beyond the Seas. n.d.
Bender, Marylin and Selig Altschul.  The Chosen Instrument.  New York:  Simon and
     Schuster, 1982.
Brock, Horace.  Flying the Oceans.  New York:  Aronson, 1978.
Carroll, Latrobe.  Flight of the Silver Bird.  New York:  Julian Messner, Inc., 1939.
Carroll, Latrobe.  “In Step with the Times.”  The American Girl (April 1939), 34.
Inge, M. Thomas.  “Games and Toys.”  Handbook of American Popular Culture.
     Westport, Connecticut:  Greenwood Press, 1980.
Jewett, Robert, and John Shelton Lawrence.  The American Monomyth.  Garden City:
     Anchor, 1977.
Jordanoff, Assen.  Your Wings.  New York:  Funk and Wagnalls, 1942.
Lee, Dougal.  Flying the Sky Clipper with Winsie Atkins.  Racine, Wisconsin:
     Whitman Publishing Company, 1936.
Leyson, Captain Burr.  “Air Lanes Around the World!”  Boy’s Life (January 1936), 15+.
Life.  Various issues, 1935-1945.
Lloyd, Trevor.  Highways.  New York:  Houghton-Mifflin, 1945.
MacDonald, J. Frederick.  “’Foreigner’ in Juvenile Series Fiction, 1900-1945.”  Journal
     of Popular Culture (winter 1974), 534-548.
Mathiews, Franklin K.  “Movies of the Month.”  Boy’s Life (October 1936), 24.
Molson, Francis J.  “Films, Funnies and Fighting the War:  Whitman’s Children’s Books
     in the 1940s.”  Journal of Popular Culture (spring 1984), 147-154.
Nay, Carol.  Timmy Rides the China Clipper.  Chicago:  Albert Whitman & Company,
Nye, Russel.  “For It Was Indeed He:  Books for the Young.”  The Unembarrassed Muse.
     New York:  Dial Press, 1970.
Parks Air College ad.  Boy’s Life (October 1944), 40.
Rawlings, Roger.  The Last Airmen.  New York:  Harper & Row, 1989.
Sickels, Dorothy Judd.  Travel by Air.  Racine, Wisconsin:  Whitman Publishing
     Company, 1940.
Stewart-Warner “Clipper” Bike Speedometer ad.  Boy’s Life (June 1936), 47.
Strong, Paschal N.  “Typhoon Gold.”  Boy’s Life (October 1936), 3-5+.
Washburn, Stanley, Jr.  Tydol Flying A Stamp Album of American Aviation.  Tide Water
     Associated Oil Company, 1940.
Wyckoff, Peter A.  Wings of the U.S.A.  Racine, Wisconsin:  Whitman Publishing
     Company, 1940.

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